Aside from that aspect, the day was excellent. about 75 degrees and sunny. I spent some of it at the Newport Shipyard talking with a captain of a couple of nice sail boats named Aaron. His boats are the Wild Horses and the White Wings and can be found at http://www.w-class.com/. Though he didn't have any day work for me, we was able to make some calls on my behalf. He also offered for me to join the race team for sails in the area. This would be unpaid, but it would be really fun and i would learn a lot. After a few sails, there is a good chance that I could be picked up on the race team.
After speaking with him, I walked around the area and asked if anyone needed day work. At the fourth or fifth boat that i asked, I found work for Thursday and Friday. It is a 131foot yacht called the CV9. Should be some good money and a good way to get my foot in the door.

I then headed down to the IYAC, which is a sailing bar in downtown Newport where Court used to work. Hopefully, I can get a job as a doorman here. Neikia, the bartender, was my age and had experience in the yachting industry. She gave me a beer as well as some good contacts that would be looking for work now and into the fall. this was good because she seems well-connected and hey, free beer. She invited me downtown with her and her friends on Saturday.
Tomorrow, I have an interview with an agency at 10am and then i plan on passing out some business cards at the local shipyards and sailing bars. At noon, I'm going to meet up with Aaron and his team for a short tour on the White Wings to test out its new motor. Now, I'm headed to a barbecue with Katie from the frisbee crowd and some of her friends.
Hey Louis,
I envy your adventurous plans. Some day I think I'm gonna run out of my clinic, take all my cash out of the bank, and drive to the end of the earth. Maybe I'm thinking this because I saw "Into the Wild" yesterday. Don't be surprised if I'm standing at your door step one day with a case of PBR, no cash, but full of new beginnings. I'll keep in touch.
do it. the crazies will understand
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