The adventure that is life has begun, I suppose. Yesterday, I drove 11 hours to D.C. and met Noah. We took the metro to meet some of Noah's friends from a Salvadorian bakery and headed into the match. The crowd was as fanatical as I have ever seen aside, of course, from the Nation at Sanford Stadium. Flags and shrill whistles swirled around the bowl shaped stadium and the rhythmic drum beats induced a stompdance that undulated the entire upper deck of RKF stadium. The game was good and despite several great shots, it ended in a 0-0 draw. Afterward, We went out for beer at a Salvadorian restaurant for beer. I think the owner liked us. I wouldn't have guessed this at first as he wasn't a very smiley guy, but then he sent our table a round of tequila. Or maybe he didn't have tear ducts and was so happy to have seen his team play that he had to release his emotions somehow. So i guess we drank his tears. Salty, awful, then sour tasting tears.
In the morning, I left D.C. Though I had a great night there, I do not like the city as a whole. It is crowded, busy, not so pretty and as Geoff puts it, incredibly bright. Cities are stressful.
The drive to D.C. and the drive to Newport, from where I currently write, were long and uneventful. I listened to a book by Dave Barry, though not one of the goofy ones. This is a prequel or sequel to the original Peter Pan and is a fairly good book. "Pan and the Shadow Thiefs" or something.
When I drove into Newport, it was 8:00pm, 60 degrees and cloudy, so i couldn't see much from the bridge. i drove around town and then headed to Courtney and Ian's house. It is about seven miles from downtown and is in a nice neighborhood. I have a bed for a few days here. Tomorrow, im going to play pickup ultimate at a local park and then start looking around for potential housing. Courtney has mentioned me to a captain who is willing to find some day work for me to do. Also, she might be able to help me get a job at the bar that all the sailors go to. I like it here
15 years ago